Fleets Efficiency Improved With Optimisation & Automation


SolBox confirmed in their interview with Matt and Katie that their optimisation and automation methods improves fleet efficiency.

Mr Lawrence Micalizzi, Director of SolBox when interviewed said, “SolBox’s logistics solutions free up considerable time of management, allowing them to have a more meaningful impact on the business. These solutions also centralise processes to a common platform, which makes the business model of many fleet related enterprises much more easily scalable.”

SolBox note that there are several reasons that optimisation and automation will improve fleet efficiency, and these include:

1/ Business owners quickly learn that more vehicles equals more problems and significant costs. Even without factoring inefficient logistics, the cost of running a fleet is considerable. Leasing or buying vehicles, regularly maintaining them according to safety and other regulations, and keeping them topped up with petrol means both the initial capital and ongoing costs are substantial.

2/ Automated communication provides a platform that circulates information across the vehicle, driver, manager and, crucially, the customer. Logistics solutions streamline fleet operations and integrated communication is key to this.

3/ Better drivers. A fleet of expensive vehicles, no matter how assiduously maintained, can be made inefficient by untrained or drivers that lack care. Such costs can be felt through an avoidable accident that requires costly repairs or via the steady drain of poor performance by an underperforming driver. Conversely, motivated and competent staff provide greater productivity with less drain on resources.

Fleet management solutions help train and manage drivers, freeing line management’s time for increasing productivity in other areas.

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4/ Reduced road time is perhaps one of the most valuable features of a logistics platform. Sophisticated route optimisation, in many ways the embodiment of logistics itself, works in real-time, responding to changing conditions like traffic congestion. This feature alone can drastically boost fleet productivity.

Route optimisation saves a company money via fuel efficiency – which is key, as petrol can eat up to 35 percent of a fleet’s operating costs and achieves a greater vehicle-to-drop-off ratio. Significantly, the SolBox software also alerts drivers to school zones they may be approaching, as well as red light and speed cameras. In a country like Australia, just one well-timed alert would save a business hundreds of dollars.

5/ Less managing means more time for management. Fleet managers have to manage fleets, it’s true. But that’s typically only the beginning of their responsibilities, with current operations and future planning also taking up much of their time. This is especially true of SMEs, where managers are likely to have wider nets of responsibility. Fleet logistics software helps businesses by freeing up their management from the mundane aspects of managing a fleet.

To learn more about SolBox and its range of services, visit the website here: www.solbox.it

About SolBox

The founders of SolBox are Australian and they are proud of SolBox’s ability to offer intelligent process automation solutions, tailored specifically for logistics businesses. As an IoT innovator, SolBox’s core platform integrates with, GPS, sensors and interfaces, which enables a complete end-to-end business solution. This allows businesses to gain visibility, maximise efficiency and improve cash flow.

You can talk more on your need and how SolBox can help you by contacting Mr Lawrence Micalizzi, Director of SolBox on +61 1300 91 80 20 or emailing him at info@solbox.it